Director of the Center for Studies of the Liver and Biliary Tract
38 years
Dr. Subhash Gupta
Dr. Subhash Gupta is accredited worldwide for its exceptional work in the field of liver transplantation. He received a master's degree in general surgery from the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS). After completing his studies, this talented surgeon moved to England to work under the guidance of Dr. Paul McMaster of the personal consultant to Queen Elizabeth. During his internship in the UK, Dr. Subash Gupta completed an internship at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and Glasgow.
After returning to India in 2013, Dr. Gupta became widely known for successfully performing 300 liver transplants with the highest efficacy index.
He also contributed to various aspects of a live donor liver transplant, such as liver transplantation without preventing hepatitis B immunoglobulin and appropriate CMV prevention.
In 2016 he received the title of "Honorary Professor of Kazakhstan"
Membership in international organizations: